Author: United States Laws

Workplace Injuries, Workers’ Compensation, and Everything In Between

Across the United States, employees and workers can get injured and hurt on the job at any given moment. Obviously, it is important to keep in mind that some work environments can be a little more dangerous than others. So for the sake of this article, the focus should be put on construction site employees as they will more often than not be subjected to potential workplace injuries.

Luckily for workers across the country, there is a little something called workers’ compensation. This is utilized in the instance that someone suffers workplace injuries while on the job. Here are all of the facts on workers’ compensation and workplace injuries.

Workplace Injuries Can Result In Workers’ Compensation

When an employee suffers workplace injuries while on the job, it will result in them potentially dealing with hefty medical bills as well as time away from work. Once this happens, it can result in massive debt because of how these two financial situations are Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Finding A DUI Lawyer

Stillwater personal injury lawyer

What You Need To Know About Finding A DUI Lawyer

    When it comes to finding a DUI lawyer, the process can be tricky as there are many factors to consider. From the simple questions such as “when do I need a personal injury lawyer” to the various costs associated with attorney fees, there is great stress associated with DUI lawyers. That said, the most important thing you can do is to do your research regarding attorneys, which will help identify key components of finding a DUI lawyer. Keep reading below for additional information pertaining to DUI lawyers, as you want to consider all potential factors in order to find one that serves you best!

    1. A majority of personal injury cases involve motor vehicle accidents, which means you are not alone when it comes to DUI cases.

    Considering that 52% of personal injury cases are related to motor vehicle accidents, it is important that you find a lawyer as soon as possible. Although these cases are common and that might seem beneficial, that is actually very problematic because it means that courts do not have much sympathy for individuals involved in a DUI case. Thus, if you find yourself in an unfortunate situation, you need to find a personal injury or DUI lawyer as soon as possible to help you figure out the legal components of your matter.

    2. When it comes to finding a personal injury attorney, do your research as “personal injury” can reference many types of law.

    Keep in mind, that five of the most common types of personal injury cases are (1) auto accidents, (2) medical malpractice, (3) premises liability, (4) product liability, and (5) wrongful death claims. Thus, if you find an attorney on the internet that specializes in “personal injury matters” be sure to do your research as they might exclusively practice a matter that isn’t related to auto accidents but is still technically a personal injury case.

    3. If you are involved in a DUI that injuries someone, find an attorney as soon as possible as your case could be much more significant.

    Given that 3 million people are injured every year in car accidents on U.S. roads, it is inevitable that some of these stem from DUI matters. This is important to know, as cases that involve injuries to people almost always have higher fines and greater penalties associated with them. Thus, if you find yourself involved in or the cause of a motor vehicle accident due to drunk driving reach out to an attorney as soon as possible to take every measure to protect yourself.

If you found these tips helpful, then you are on the right track to learning about the various benefits of finding a DUI lawyer that’s right for you. Be sure to keep the aforementioned facts in mind, as they are sure to help you find an attorney or lawyer that’s right for you. First, a majority of personal injury cases involve motor vehicle accidents, which means you are not alone when it comes to DUI cases. Second, when it comes to finding a personal injury attorney, do your research as “personal injury” can reference many types of law. Lastly, if you are involved in a DUI that injuries someone, find an attorney as soon as possible as your case could be much more significant.

Personal Injuries, Litigation, and Everything In Between

Workers compensation

One of the worst situations that someone can find themselves in deals with a personal injury. Now, obviously, if this injury comes by way of pure accident playing a sport there is no legal ramifications. However, if this is a personal injury that occurs in the workplace where an employer is at fault or in daily life where someone else is at fault, it is absolutely essential that the victim involved gets help from personal injury litigators.

The annual cost of civil lawsuits in the United States manages to deal a toll of $239 billion to the economy. As a result, it is important that people make sure they get legal representation from a law firm when they are dealing with a personal injury. This will help them avoid bankruptcy and avoid serious damage being done to their lives. Here are all the facts that surround getting help from personal injury litigators.

Right now only about 2% of all personal injury cases will ever actually make ti to trial. This is because most of them are handled outside of the courtroom in the form of a settlement. This is without question one of the best reasons to hire personal injury litigators for help. They can get people settlements that can compensate them for medical bills.

Just about 20% of federal civil personal injury lawsuits result from vehicle crashes, 13% result from products liability injuries, and 10% result from medical malpractice. All of these situations should be solved by personal injury litigators that help victims get compensation. These are all dangerous situations that can cost people time from work and money which can lead to bankruptcy.

No one should have to face bankruptcy because they did not get help from personal injury litigators when dealing with personal injury laws. In the year of 1980, businesses made up just about 13% of all bankruptcies whereas now they only make up 3%. This means that 97% of bankruptcies in 2014 were personal and 3% were business.

Another situation where personal injury litigators should come in to help a victim is a serious car accident. A serious car accident can do damage to the physical health of someone and their car. As a result, repairs will need to be done to the vehicle which can be costly alone and that does not begin to dig into the physical issues it can cause.

Drunk driving costs the United States nearly $199 billion a year. This is why there are harsh laws that surround driving under the influence and if you are the victim of this you need the help of personal injury litigators. Each day, people drive drunk almost 300,000 times, but fewer than 4,000 are arrested. As a result, there is a chance that someone can get away with drunk driving once and will do it again, putting people at serious risk.

In Conclusion

No one should have to go it alone in the world of law. If you are involved in a situation where you get hurt not o your own fault then you need help from talented personal injury litigators. They can help victims get the right type of compensation to cover any medical bills and time lost from work.

Attorneys 101 When You Might Need One

Malpractice attorney

Attorneys 101: When You Might Need One

    If you are someone (or know someone) who has been injured in a car accident, you have come to the right place. When it comes to accidents, there are a number of causes. With each accident, a lawsuit is likely to occur, as people feel wronged. In scenarios like these, reaching out to an attorney is essential, as you want to protect yourself from unwanted legal costs. Thus, keep reading below for some key facts regarding information on how to find an attorney.

    1. When it comes to finding a lawyer (i.e. a car accident attorney or wrongful termination lawyer) take note that civil suits aren’t cheap.

    The annual cost of civil lawsuits to the U.S. economy is $239 billion, according to research conducted by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America in 2015. This means that each civil lawsuit threatens people involved with losing a lot of money. Thus, if you end up in an accident, be sure to do what you can to plead your case as you don’t want to be in a difficult financial spot.

    2. At any given times, more than half a million people drive and use an electronic advice at the same time, which highlights the risk of a crash and thus the reason so many people seek legal advice from attorneys (such as a wrongful termination lawyer).

    At any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving. This means, that all these people are risking injury. To avoid this scenario, be sure to be smart on the road and protect yourself.

    3. Each year thousands of people die and/or get injured due to road crashes, so it is possible that someone you know might be in need of a wrongful termination lawyer.

    In the U.S., over 37,000 people die in road crashes each year and an additional 2.35 million are injured or disabled. This means, that all these people are in great need of an attorney, so do what you can to reach out in a difficult time.

If you found these tips helpful, then you’re on the right track to learning everything there is to know about finding a wrongful termination lawyer. Be sure to follow the aforementioned steps in order to find a wrongful termination lawyer that is right for you. The most important thing is to start by acting smart and not using devices on the road. Second, be sure to reach out to an attorney in times of need to protect yourself financially.

Professional Legal Advisers Offer a Variety of Very Specific Skills

Probate and estate administration

Whether you are looking for a maritime injury lawyer or personal injury lawyers after an accident on the job, it is important to make sure that you seek legal advice sooner rather than later. The decision to work with a stockbroker fraud lawyer, a business attorney, or an estate planning attorney is also one that is better to make as soon as you realize that you need help. Convincing yourself that you can handle a difficult situation on your own might seem brave, but it the end it might leave you in a situation that can be far more complicated than you realized.

  • No one wants to face a difficult legal situation without the advice of an attorney who has experience in the kind of space that you are facing.
  • Every time that you are faced with a difficult decision or situation, it is important to make sure that you consult any resources that might be available.
  • Even a small personal injury accident can turn into a major expense, so it is important to at least consult an attorney to make sure that you understand all of the available options.
  • Drunk driving offenses can have a major impact on your current life and your future. Finding a DUI attorney who can help you mount a defense might be in your best interest.

  • How long ago was your personal injury accident? If you are still suffering from pain and lost wages, it might be in your best interest to seek advice from a legal professional.
  • Every time that you are faced with a legal situation it is wise to at least schedule a consultation with an attorney so that you understand the options that you may have available.
  • Looking toward the future, you do not want a drunk driving maritime offense on your record if you can avoid it. Working with a maritime injury lawyer, however, can help you find a solution to your situation.
  • Personal injuries can take longer to recover from than you might expect. Finding an attorney who can help you anticipate the expenses and the challenges that you will face during the recovery process is always in your best interest.

Maritime injury lawyers and other legal experts can help you navigate a difficult situation. Instead of facing your legal challenges alone, it often makes more sense to work with a respected professional. from the operator inexperience that was a contributing factor in 391 boating accidents in 2014 to the 1,639 securities and commodities fraud pending cases in 2014, it is important to make sure that you have the help that you need.

Charges, Attorneys, and Everything In Between

Dui attorney in lake oswego

Every single year there are Americans, from all kinds of different backgrounds, that are faced with a criminal defense charge. This is a situation in which this person should definitely seek out the help of a criminal defense lawyer or a criminal defense attorney. Here are all of the facts on being charged with a crime and finding a DUI lawyer.

When a defendant hires a DUI lawyer, they are getting the help that will guide them through the court process. The legal system in the United States is quite complex and that is why DUI attorneys are so important. Understand that just one DUI conviction can cost up to $20,000 or possibly more than that.

In 2014, 32,675 people died in motor vehicle crashes, down 0.7% from 32,894 in 2013, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This is because there are less drunk driving crashes taking place due to the penalties in place. The legal system in the United States wants to curve people from driving drunk and that is why there are such harsh penalties.

Just about 90 people died each day in motor vehicle crashes in 2014, and 6,400 people were injured. At any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving. Some experts believe that this is just as dangerous as driving drunk. Thus, there are penalties in place that are harsh just like with a DUI.

Each day, people drive drunk almost 300,000 times, but fewer than 4,000 are arrested. However, it is dangerous that these people are able to get away with drunk driving. As a result, there are new penalties pout out each year. Furthermore, it is more and more important to get a DUI lawyer if you are charged with this.

An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before the first arrest. This is scary to think about in the sense of driving out on the road. Especially so at night.

Every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash. A drunk driving crash always results in someone being charged with a DUI. That person is more than likely at fault and as a result, they are going to need to hire a DUI lawyer. While it may seem like they should not have access to a proper defense, it is important to uphold the American values we have in place.
Employment of lawyers is projected to grow 6% from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. There are 1,315,561 lawyers in the United States. So if you need to get a DUI lawyer, there are plenty of options available to you.

In Conclusion

Every single year, a DUI lawyer will find plenty of work amongst Americans. There are so many people that drive drunk and end up getting charged with a DUI. If you want to avoid getting charged with a DUI and having to hire a DUI lawyer, make sure you drive sober.

Divorce, Divorce Lawyers, and Everything In Between

Divorce attorney

Right now, divorces are incredibly common in the United States. The culture around a uncontested divorce and divorce lawyers has completely changed in the United States and has turned in the other direction. The process of filing for a divorce and getting divorce papers for a divorce process was once viewed as taboo and horrible. However, it is not viewed as a commonality.

Back in the day, women and men were supposed to stick it out in a marriage even if it was a failed marriage. This is because marriage was once viewed as a holy activity and a sacred activity that was meant for life. However, people now believe that you can leave a bad marriage f you need to. Here are all of the facts that surround filing for divorce and hiring divorce lawyers.

The month of February, according to stats, is the month where there are the most divorce filings. This means that for divorce lawyers, the month of February is a busy one. Divorce lawyers are looking to get as much work as possible during these months.

A University of Cincinnati study from August 2012 found that men are more likely than women to turn to drinking after a divorce. This is just one of the possible fallouts that can come from a messy and uncomfortable divorce. Everyone in the divorce will be affected in some way even if they hire the best divorce lawyers possible.

Living together before marriage is no longer a strong predictor of divorce, according to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in early 2012. This is just one of the many aspects of divorce that have changed over the past ten years or so. People used to think that divorces and divorce lawyers came from other situations.

Amongst couples in the United States, divorce rates have almost doubled over the past twenty years according to a study conducted by Bowling Green State Univesity. If one person in a marriage smokes, then this marriage is 75% more likely to end in a divorce. These are just a few stats to consider when thinking about hiring a divorce lawyer.

Each year in the United States there are more than one million people have parents who separate or divorce. Statistics gathered across the United States have stated that if a marriage involves giving birth to a daughter and not a son, the marriage is 5% more likely to end. So there are plenty of random stats that point to the prevalence of divorces in the United States.

In America, the divorce rate for a first marriage is around 41%, the divorce rate for a second marriage is 60%, and the divorce rate for a third marriage is 73%. So make sure that you keep this in mind as you move forward with a marriage. You never know when you will end up hiring divorce lawyers.

The average length of divorce proceedings in the United States is 1 year. The mean age of a woman for a first divorce is 29 years old. The mean age of males seeking a divorce for the first time is 30.5. These are all stats that people need to keep in mind when examining a marriage that potentially makes them unhappy and wants to make them hire divorce lawyers.

Western states typically have the highest marriage and divorce rates, followed by the South. The Northeast has the lowest marriage and divorce rates. Marriages are more likely to last longer when people marry at an older age, have a higher education, and earn more money. Salespeople, optometrists, podiatrists, nuclear engineers and agricultural engineers are more likely to divorce than people in other professions.

The top five reasons for divorce in the U.S. include communication problems, infidelity or betrayal, financial problems, abuse and loss of interest. Anyone involved in a marriage that includes any of these kinds of issues is a serious problem and it is essential that people keep these things in mind when moving forward.

In Conclusion

There are plenty of people who know very little about divorces and divorce lawyers. Make sure you protect yourself in a divorce!

Five Causes of Trucking Related Accidents

Personal injury lawyers

The trucking industry employs hundreds of thousands of drivers every year. Although minimal when compared to the number of truck drivers, accidents can and do occur. Because of the large weight of the truck and the cargo that it is carrying, these truck accidents are often fatal. While safe driving is important regardless of what type of automobile you are operating, it is crucial to prevent truck accidents.

Never hit the road until you are ready

Driving a truck with a heavy load is much different than driving a single vehicle on the road. There are different levers and different safety protocols. It is much more difficult to climb large mountains and very different to stop the truck. For this reason, truck drivers attend a truck school before being employed. While this school is sufficient for some drivers, it does not necessarily give everyone the length of training they require. If you are not entirely comfortable on the road, it is important to sign up for more training or request to ride along with another driver. The risk is too great to hit the road unprepared. Workplace injuries can also be expensive for the trucking company, making it necessary to fully evaluate each new driver before putting them on the road.

Never drive under the influence

Drinking and driving is a common temptation on the road. Truck drivers are under extreme time pressures and being on the road for days at a time can get lonely. Some drivers will send their off time at local bars or restaurants. It is easy to misgauge alcohol content. In 2015, nearly 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Some would say that driving a truck under the influence is even more serious, as it requires greater attention.

Get plenty of sleep

Alcohol and drugs is not the only dangerous thing that can affect truck driving safety. Fatigue is extremely common among truck drivers. Many drivers are paid by the mile and stopping to sleep means they are not getting paid. Some truck companies have attempting to cut down on fatigued driving by limiting the number of miles a truck driver can go in one day. This forces the driver to stop and take brakes as needed. Additionally, many truck stops have free bathrooms, showers, and other affordable accommodations.

Avoid distracted driving

With an increase in cell phone use, more and more people are being involved in car and truck accidents that involve distracted driving. Not only is operating a cell phone illegal while driving, but it is as dangerous as drinking and driving. Many truck drivers spend days, or even weeks, on the road and boredom can be a real problem. Find ways to entertain yourself without using your mobile phone. Upgrade your truck?s interior to include Bluetooth or hands free devices.

Slow down when needed

Road speed limit signs are for optimal driving conditions. It is important to slow down when the weather is bad or when there is construction on the road. There is a rise in construction accidents, especially when distracted driving is present. Additionally, drivers might not be aware of weather patterns and conditions in a new state and not be aware that slowing down is important. If you are unfamiliar with the roads, it is always a good idea to slow down. Follow all construction signs to avoid both fatalities and expensive fines.

According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT), over 37,000 U.S. residents die in road crashes annually. There was also an estimated 32,166 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. just in 2015. Truck accidents are on the rise with distracted driving, drunk driving, and fatigued driving being the most common causes. Avoid legal charges and having to hire a car accident attorney by following these safety tips.

Four Reasons you Need Commercial Construction Attorneys

Lawyer for business owners

Construction crews work on all different types of projects. They might be involved in city planning of infrastructures. They might also be involved in the improvement of city roads and bridges. However, even more common are the use of construction workers in the real estate and building industry. Construction workers might be involved in the new build of real estate properties or they might be working directly with a homeowner on improving and expanding a residential property. Either way, it is important to be protected with sufficient insurance coverage and attorneys dedicated to construction law.

Insurance of workers
Many construction tasks require a lot of risks. Workers are constantly scaling large buildings, using heavy power tools, and using harsh chemical products. It is important to evaluate your current insurance carrier and exactly what is provided. Even a building designer or residential homeowner that chooses a construction company should evaluate the amount of insurance coverage. Anything that is not covered will pass onto the homeowner or the project designer. Working with attorneys can help you evaluate your current insurance plan and see if additional coverage is needed.

Coverage of building and supplies
A lot of money goes into the build. A new build requires labor hours, supplies, and tools. It is also a good idea to have these items covered under an insurance plan. If something happens to them or if the customer decides not to pay, this could result in a large financial hit to the construction business. In fact, it could even bankrupt a smaller construction business. Hiring attorneys after the fact for commercial litigation can also get very expensive. It is best to always be proactive and to have attorneys on retainer.

Evaluate the details of the contract
Many construction workers are surprised to learn that they can be liable if a problem with the property occurs, even well after they have completed the job. For this reason, it is important to have attorneys evaluate the litigation contract. There should be a statute of limitations and an even shorter liability term should be decided. Most states do have a standard statute of limitations for filing a claim, but this is often a few years, which is plenty of time to file a building complaint. For example per Texas law, a breach of contract claim must be filed within four years, unless the contract specifies two years.

To navigate the future of construction work
Construction practices are constantly changing. As technology becomes more present in the world, it is being applied to new purposes, including construction work. According to Colin Guinn of 3D Robotics, drones will help engineers and architects tackle various construction tasks more accurately. It is important to remember, however, that as new practices are introduced, new concerns are brought up. When it comes to technology, a few of the most common concerns include confidentiality, reliability, and cost. If technology is a part of your construction work planning, it is important to have attorneys familiar with these areas.

Additional legal construction concerns
Additionally, it is also a good idea to have attorneys familiar with employment law and nonconventional construction laws. Hiring a lawyer that is familiar with the construction industry is a great first step. They will navigate each of the construction concerns as they arise and then handle the appeals process, if necessary. There are many legal concerns that can arise during a standard construction transaction in the real estate industry.

According to the American Arbitration Association, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is the preferred conflict management process in the construction industry. The median time frame from filing to award for 2015 construction arbitration cases was just 232 days or less than eight months. Legal representation in the real estate and construction industries is very necessary to avoid expensive litigation and charges.

Why You Need a Timeshare Lawyer

Cancel timeshare in florida

Do you have a timeshare that you?d like to get out of? A timeshare can be a great buy, but it?s also an industry that is filled with scams and false claims. Many people go to a timeshare sales pitch billed as ?one hour? in exchange for tickets to a theme park or other free gift, only to find that one hour turning into four or five hours. Other times, while a timeshare might be fine, people?s financial situations just change. If you want to cancel a timeshare or are looking to get rid of a timeshare, it?s probably wise to look for timeshare lawyers to help. Here?s three reasons why:

To Protect You From Litigation

Or, to prosecute litigation on your behalf! Litigation is a powerful way for you to send a message to a shady timeshare owner that they won?t get away with misrepresenting their properties or the timeshare contracts. Only timeshare lawyers or other legal professionals are able to initiate, investigate, and pursue all avenues in a litigation. And, should a timeshare property management company attempt to litigate against you for failure to pay exorbitant maintenance fees that just keep going up every year, or for trying to sell or donate your property.

To Protect you From Debt Collectors

If you?ve sought timeshare contract release because of the exorbitant prices for maintenance or the escalating interest rates, it?s possible that a management company may send debt collectors to your door. Legally, debt collectors are forbidden to talk to buyers directly if they?ve retained timeshare lawyers. Having a timeshare attorney can protect you not only from being harassed personally, but also show the management company that you are ready for them. This may help with negotiations later as you work out how to get rid of a timeshare legally.

To Help You Understand All Your Options

A timeshare cancellation lawyer can help you work out whether it?s possible to get a foreclosure, illuminate the options about selling a timeshare, find out if it?s an option to cancel the timeshare, or even negotiate for the property management to take the timeshare back. If it can be shown that there were false claims made during the sale, a good attorney can pressure the owner to cancel the contract. There are probably more choices and options than you think.