Looking to Get Into Legal Research? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know

If you have ever been part of a court case, then you have probably had to have had to have legislative history research done about your case. One of the big elements involved in pretty much every court case is legislative intent and statuatory history research to prove that the case about to be argued even has the standing to be heard in the courtroom. Whether you are think about pursuing a career in California legislative history research or you are part of a court case are are trying to learn as much as you can about the process, here are a few important facts that you need to know.
Legal English is the style of language used by legal professionals and lawyers during their course of work. Because so many laws have been around for a significant amount of time, they often need to be interpreted. Using the very specific wording used in legal English makes this interpretation a little bit less open to critique. This kind of wording makes loopholes less prevalent, and it attempts to make the legal process move a little bit smoother. There is significant debate as to whether this actually is the case.
The average length of a civil trial in the United States is 3.7 days. The main reason for this is the huge amount of arguing and tradition that needs to be upheld on the side of both the plaintiff and the defendant. In spite of what might seem like a long time to be in court arguing, this is made possible due to the fact that the vast majority of cases never make it to a courtroom to be argued at all. They are settled out of court.
An estimated 20 percent of all civil lawsuits in the United States are automobile accident related. Like most cases, the vast majority of these are also settled outside of the courtroom. According to a recent study conducted by Statistic Brain, an estimated 10% of all civil lawsuits in the United States are medical malpractice lawsuits.
An estimated 46% of all jury trials in the United States are won by the plaintiff.