Stressed About Leaving a Beloved Spouse? A Talented Attorney can be Helpful

In the U.S., the average length of divorce proceedings is one year. Because the divorce process can be so stressful, many individuals will want to work with New York divorce attorneys to quickly work through the process and alleviate much of the stress. The divorce rate for individuals who are in their second marriage is 60 percent , so many of the individuals who contact New York divorce attorneys are likely to be doing so for the second time. But no matter how many times someone has worked with Long island divorce lawyers, the services and advice they provide makes them a great resource for anybody who wants to move on to the next chapter of their life.
An August 2012 study by the University of Cincinnati found that, after divorce, men are more likely to turn to drinking than women. In order to reduce that risk, many men might want to hire one of the New York divorce attorneys to minimize the stress of a divorce and make sure that they they receive fair treatment throughout the process. The divorce lawyers in New York will have the skill and experience needed to make sure that one individual is not harmed more than the other in a divorce. That ability of New York divorce attorneys can help divorced individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle after a separation.
The European Economic Review released a study in November 2012 that revealed that women who spend an extra 12 minutes a week at work face a 1 percent increase in the risk of a mental breakdown. While New York divorce attorneys might not be able to prevent that, NY divorce lawyers can certainly reduce the stress associated with a divorce. As a result, individuals who want to make sure that they stay mentally stable after a breakup will want to work with New York divorce attorneys to make the process easier.
There are many facts that New York divorce attorneys can provide individuals going through a separation. Divorce lawyers in Long Island can shed light on the fact that a marriage is 5 percent more likely to end if there is a daughter but no son. Though kids are never to blame, individuals wanting a divorce will want to work with New York divorce attorneys in order to take advantage of their expertise. The divorce lawyers Long Island provides help reduce the stress of divorce, whatever the reasons may be.