What You Need To Know if You’ve Been Hurt in a Car Accident


If you or someone you know has been hurt in a car accident, then you know how important it is to get the help that you need. Here are some things you need to do if you are in this situation.

Medical Attention

If you are hurt in a car accident, you may suffer from a personal injury, even if you don’t initially know it. If at anytime following the accident you have pain, dizziness, or numbness, besure to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying medical issues. A couple more serious issues that can arise from a car accident are:

  • Herniated Discs. Depending on the severity of the accident the force can cause the tissue in your spine to protrude outward, or even rupture. Known as a herniated disc, this can cause severe pain, numbness, and even a loss of control in arm and leg muscles. After a car accident you may very well experience a sprain in either you neck or back, but be sure to check with a doctor to make sure it isn’t a more serious issue.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury. While not always immediately evident, the force at which your head is impacted, can cause a traumatic brain injury. You can go for months without noticing symptoms such as forgetfulness, or personality changes. If detected early you can help mitigate the severity, so don’t take any chances when it comes to getting checked out.
  • Knee or Shoulder Injuries. If your knee impacts anything during the collision, you should double check with a medical professional to insure nothing was shattered, or torn. A similar effect can be seen in drivers who slam down on the brakes, in order to try and avoid a collision. The force, coupled by the extending on the knee can cause damage that needs treatment. Additionally, due to the fact that a seat belt only covers one shoulder, force can be centralized on that one particular area. This can contribute to bruising, strains, or more severely, torn ligaments.
  • Psychological Injury. If you are hurt in a car accident, you may have injuries that aren’t always visible. Many people who are in serious accidents can develop an aversion, or phobia to driving, or being in a vehicle. The unseen injuries can often be the most debilitating. If you experience any mental shifts such as panic or anxiety when driving, or otherwise being in a car, it is important to seek immediate attention. Any arising mental health issues should be treated as seriously as physical injury.

Take Notes on What Happened as Soon as Possible

Having detailed notes about the accident and your following medical treatment, can help you get the full reimbursement that you are entitled to from your insurance company. Be sure to:

  • Write down the names, and information for any medical professionals you receive treatment from.
  • Keep all the receipts and documentation from purchases, medical treatments, and other assistance you receive as a result of the accident.
  • Record information about the accident. If you can, take pictures, lots of pictures from different angles can help strengthen your claim. Include pictures of the location as well, street signs, traffic conditions, and traffic lights if applicable. Additionally, if injuries are visible, you may want to keep photographic evidence of them as well.
  • You may also want to include the name and contact numbers for any witnesses who are willing to vouch on your behalf.

Find a Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, and want help navigating all the issues that come after, consider hiring a personal injury attorney. These professionals are experienced in personal injury cases, and will work to get you the compensation that you’re entitled to; without the headache of dealing with insurance companies yourself. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. If you haven’t finished receiving medical treatments, then you don’t know how much the total will be. Settling for less is not only unfair to you, but can leave you owing money on medical expenses, that could have otherwise been covered. Keep these tips in mind, and always be prepared even though it hopefully will never been needed.

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