Have You Been the Victim of a Car Accident?

This is not the way you wanted your summer to start.
instead of making the hotel reservations for the annual summer vacation trip, you find yourself asking family and friends for an auto accident attorney recommendation. Instead of taking your teenage daughters back and forth to the swimming pools and the water parks, you find yourself sitting through long meetings with potential car accident lawyers. Instead of watching your oldest daughter practice her driving skills in anticipation of turning 16, you find yourself silently shedding tears as you watch that same daughter crutch her way through the house.
If you find yourself looking for a personal injury lawyer because of an accident caused by someone else’s carelessness, you are likely having a dreadful summer. Taking the time and investing in some research to find the right auto accident attorney, however, can help you move past the accident and start making a plan for recovery.
Personal injury attorneys, in fact, can often help many families make the difficult transition from being victims to being survivors who are looking for solutions. Consider some of these facts and figures about how an auto accident lawyer or a car accident attorney can help clients move on from the most difficult of decisions:
- 8.4 million motorcycles accidents occurred on the roads of America in 2013.
- 4,668 people died in motorcycle crashes in 2013. This is a 6.4% from 4,986 in the year 2012, according to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report.
- 88,000 motorcyclists were injured in the year 2013. This is also a decrease from 2013 numbers. Specifically, it is a 5.4% drop from the 93,000 motorcycle injuries in the year 2012.
- Although these motorcycle deaths and injuries are decreasing, they are still higher than the numbers from other types of drivers. In fact, in 2013 motorcyclists were about 26 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash per vehicle mile traveled. Motorcyclists were also five times more likely than passenger car occupants to be injured.
- Only 4% to 5% of personal injury cases in America ever go to trial, so it makes sense that you talk to a legal professional if you have been injured in an accident that is someone else’s fault.
- Accident victims should not let the thought of a long and drawn out court room hearing keep them from getting advice because as many 96% of personal injury cases are settled out of court.
Personal injury accidents can stop people in their tracks, halting what otherwise would be every day activities like planning for family vacations, going to the pool, or teaching your 15 year old how to drive. Instead of feeling completely immobilized by a personal injury accident, it might be in your best interest to seek the advice of an auto accident attorney.