The Top Source for Law in the United States

According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary, the definition of legal is “of or relating to law.” Given the brevity of that definition, not to mention the fact that almost every person and entity is governed by a complex framework of laws and regulations, there is quite a bit of room for inquiry and debate. For Americans, the circuitous network of laws in the United States is impossible to decipher without the assistance of an attorney.
For those who do not mind spending three years in law school, after already going through a minimum of four years in college, a law career can be a rewarding and lucrative choice. Some of the top law schools in the country are the Georgetown University law school, Standford law school, and UCLA law school. Unfortunately, gaining admission to any of the above law schools is highly competitive. In fact, it is so competitive that the above schools accept fewer than 10 percent of the applicants who are courageous enough to apply.
While the American law and its legal framework can be fascinating, most of us do not have to worry about law school acceptance rates and studying for the state bar exams. However, it can be valuable for everyone to know at least the most basic law definitions. Unfortunately, we do not have access to the amazing resources that are available at the top academic law libraries such as the UCLA Law Library or the Stanford Law Library, there are more than enough online legal resources to serve the purposes of the typical layperson.
As Americans, we enjoy some of the strongest legal rights in the world. No matter what an individual does, or the severity of their crime, unless their guilt can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, they will be set free. Thus, it is in the best interest of every citizen to be aware of their rights, and the limits of those rights. The good news is, with an internet connection, we do not need access to the UCLA Law Library to be informed of our legal rights.
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